We are ONE
We are what we eat.
We are what we think.
We are what we do.
We are a rack for bacteria.
We are our bundles of choices breathing in time and space.
And, we are one.
We are loved deeply. That deep love and connection can be felt when you touch the earth. You can feel that loving support when you remember the mother from where we came. And to where we will one day return.
The Holy Church of Dirt calls to remind us of our deep connection. Of the loving abundance that has nourished us in life. That she is love in the form of complete nurturance. To remind us, to plug back into our deep knowing connection. To remember our roots. To give back some of what she has selflessly given.
In our mad dash to be “good enough”, we’ve sunken into addictions of consumption. Forgetting that we are beautiful and enough. for more, she has shrunken in her ability to support us. It’s time to wake up and get back to our roots.
Earth is mother, is love, is life, nurturing health. When we feed the soil, giving it nutrients it needs to feed us and work with nature to grow loving healthy food through that love, we grow healthy in that nurturing love. Life radiates and is supported through living soil. That is our important work now.
There is plenty when we realize and tap into our true wealth beneath our feet. Abundance is in our future when we team with nature and each other in dirt, our mother’s love.
For too long, a corrupt, corporate, toxic system lied that they could feed the planet. They have poisoned our mother and us. We have depended upon a corrupt economic system ruled by greed.
We’ve had enough.
Enough greed.
Enough toxins.
Enough war.
Enough manufactured scarcity.
Enough lies.
We are ready to rise from the soil.
To build from the ground up. A new world in alignment with natural laws.
Earth mother has abundance waiting for us to work with her to realize that there is plenty for everyone. Our values shift to align with natural laws. That our mother is worth everything.We are finished parceling out and stripping our mother of her nutrients. We are finished taking more than we give.
It is time to give back to her. And more than we’ve taken, as those before us have taken more than their share as well. So the sins of the fathers are carried by the children. As it has been, so it will no longer be. Human law must be made to align with natural law.
Permaculture’s ethics teach us these laws.
Care for Planet,
Care fore People,
Share the Excess.
This is a system of abundance from the dirt. This is a system of working with earth mother. In alignment with natural laws mapped out for eons in stars and knowledge of our ancestors. It is time to remember that wisdom. It is time to bring ourselves into alignment and connection.
It is time to bring our consciousness into a higher frequency to witness and dance with the forces of natural goodness.
When we eat from that abundance, from that love, and prepare that abundance with love and care, we become healthier, happier, and loving.
Our choices are clear.
It is time to look beneath our feet to our roots and intermingle our energy with our mother to become part of the oneness we’ve forgotten.
Find our allies in the soil for an abundant future.
Can I have an AMEN-dment?!